Psicologia, Interamericana
The need achievement orientation of Catholic and Protestant Mexican-Americans
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Cómo citar

Bronson, L., & Meadow, A. (2017). The need achievement orientation of Catholic and Protestant Mexican-Americans. Revista Interamericana De Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 2(3).


The Need-achievement orientations of fifty-four Protestant and fifty-four Catholic Mexican-American subjects of similar levels of acculturation and socio-economic background are here reported. It was hypothesized that values relevant to the “Protestant Ethic” would be reflected by Protestant subjects. One instrument, evaluat­ing basic achievement motivation, reflected an equal drive in both groups but a second instrument reflecting values and attitudes showed the Protestants to have achievement goals more related to an activistic-individualistic-future orientation. It is suggested that certain elements of the Protestant religion such as stewardship, indi­vidual responsibility, asceticism and self-discipline are responsible for the attitude differences expressed by Protestant subjects.
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